by Jennifer Poindexter
If you have a raised bed garden area, one thing you don’t want to miss in your design is a walking path.
Everyone doesn’t think to include this feature. However, from someone who made the mistake of not including a walking path around a raised bed garden, I’m telling you it’s worth considering.
When you’re growing in a raised bed garden, don’t skip this step. Instead, utilize my quick tip for this gardening method:
Try This: Create a Path Through Your Raised Bed Garden
When growing in a raised bed garden, there are many benefits. One is accessing the beds and plants with ease.
This makes maintaining your garden beds and caring for your plants much easier, especially if you’re someone with stiff muscles or limited mobility.
Another great reason for utilizing a raised bed garden is the aesthetics this style of gardening provides. With raised bed gardens, you have the option of adding sitting areas, fences, garden gates, and walking paths.
It makes for a cozy space for gatherings and also a place of peace when enjoying your hard work and a little solitude.
However, the downside to raised beds is they’re easy to mow around. This may sound like a positive, but without proper protection you’ll end up with quite a few accidental weeds.
When mowing around raised beds, you either need to mow where the grass blows away from the beds or place a broad barrier around your beds, so the mower can’t move close enough to throw grass in your gardening spaces.
In my case, I enjoy the idea of a walking path serving as a barrier as well. A walking path not only protects my beds, but it also keeps my feet clean when I’m walking through my garden after a recent rain shower.
I also like the way it makes the garden appear more finished when the design includes this functional detail.
As you can see, a walking path provides a variety of benefits around your raised bed garden.
Yet, the biggest benefit is avoiding additional weeds making their way into your growing space.
By adding a walking path, some gravel, and a few additional touches to make your garden space a separate area from the rest of your yard, you should be able to avoid this issue.
In turn, the garden should require less maintenance, be more productive, and also more enjoyable.
More About Raised Bed Gardens
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